lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

German Hoyos 201224483
Jose Otero  201224952
Alejandro Castilla201223998
Juan Fernando Pineda 201226084

A psycological effect related to memory in which the exposure to a stimulus affect the response to another stimulus.

1. Select a printed advertising piece that presents    ambiguity on its possible perception or        interpretation.



This Jose Cuervo advertisement presents an ambiguous message, because from the first view it is seen the evil represented by the man and the girls that are all over him are disguised as angels, making the consumer think that beautiful girls only like men that act as bad guys and this could give place to sexist comments or to a possible degradation of woman’s image. But from another view alcohol makes consumers sociable persons, and girls could like that, so maybe if they drink they could be irresistible. In addition the advertisement in the bottom part says, “Not true. Unless you´re already charming and handsome” making this advertisement a funny piece and that is why some people can find it attractive.

2. Clearly define a positive and a negative interpretation for the piece.     

For the positive interpretation the advertisement, shows funny and interesting stimuli. Its bottom says that it makes you irresistible and gives the idea that if you drink this tequila you could have a great time with a lot of girls and that is what you see at first, but when it is seen closer it there’s another sentence that could ruin the first view or impulse the interest in the product.

But from a negative interpretation the advertisement shows certain sexism, because there are too many women’s for the man and in top of that all of them are dressed as angels and the guy is dressed as the devil. If it’s looked closely it also says that if you are attractive and charming you can be irresistible, discriminating the people who aren´t attractive or charming. Showing that if you just drink without control you could look ridiculous.

3. Look for two stimuli (other pieces, short texts,    images) that   you believe can activate in the consumers mind each of the two interpretations defined in point 2.


This image, show three guys being chanted in an awesome party, this represents exactly what people will think when they think in irresistible in a party, representing really well our positive interpretation.


This image shows what it could really happen if people don´t drink carefully, showing that the irresistible part of the advertisement isn´t happening and that instead of that persons who drink are just looking ridiculous. This image represents also that drinking is not only for men, and girls have the same effects.

4. Organize and tabulate your results, and prove if the priming had any effect, comparing the two groups with regards to the variables defined.

8 questions were asked in both positive and negative priming surveys. The following graphs compare the results of positive priming and negative priming.

Question 1
What is your age and your gender?

Question 2
How would you qualify the product?
- Bad
- Regular
- Good
- Excellent

Question 3
Which characteristics claim your attention the most?
- Women
- The man
- The colors employed
- The image of the product

Question 4
How much does the publicity favor the product (being 1 the lowest and 5 the most)?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5

Question 5
Will you buy José Cuervo in your next party?
- Yes
- No

Question 6
With who would you prefer to consume José Cuervo ?
- Friends
- Girlfriend/Boyfriend
- Family
- Unknown people

Question 7
Where would you prefer to consume José Cuervo?
- Bar
- Night clubs
- Home
- Street

Question 8
What type of emotion does the ad produce un yourself?
- Happiness
- Sadness
- Lust
- Excitation
- Anger
- Resentment
- Desire for party

5. As a control, establish if your results are sensitive to age, gender or socioeconomic level.

According to the information and the data, the results are sensitive toward age and gender.
This happens because the advertisement is focused primarily on young men’s. old people and females are not attached on a high involve with the ad, so priming can affect them relatively in a high proportion.

On the other hand, all people who answer the questionnaire are from medium-high socioeconomic level with a good purchasing power, so these is not a good aspect in order to evaluate the sensitive.

6. Specify the strategic conclusions of your results.

To establish an effective marketing strategy first we must clarify that, according to the surveys, the ad was clearly more positive for the product when the people we surveyed were exposed to a positive priming first. Therefore it is safe to say that we have proved that the priming does affect the reaction to the consumers to the ad and to the product, to what extent it affects it? It will vary a lot depending on the strength of the priming or the stimuli and the place where the ad is shown. In other words, a good strategy is to position the ad wherever people tend to have positive emotions or feelings, if your intention is to sell more products or have a better image of the product in the minds of the consumers who are exposed to it. So for example, if your intention is to favor your product (Jose Cuervo Tequila) then you should avoid placing ads where people are not willing to devote time to thinking about alcohol. A good place to position your ads could be near night clubs and bars, even inside those, because usually this environment is exciting and fun and people will be thinking about alcohol and buying it, therefore they will have a positive priming towards the product, all you have to do is convince them that your tequila is the one they should buy. So we think it is very important that the ad context matches your own purposes concluding in a positive reaction from consumers towards your product.